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Facet Syndrome / Subluxation


The facet joints are the joints that connect the vertebrae of the spine. There are 48 facet joints, any of which can misalign (subluxate) or become 'locked', stiff and dysfunctional. 


Problems with these joints are the biggest cause of spinal pain. When they are not aligned and moving as they should, the patient can experience pain, stiffness, difficulty with movement, discomfort when sitting and sleeping as well as referred symptoms to the leg and foot - numbness, pain, tingling, etc.


They can be injured in many ways – bending, twisting and lifting, falls, prolonged sitting or standing, whiplash, etc. A facet joint can also “lock” for no apparent reason – usually this is a compensation for a weakness somewhere in the body or a weak core.


Treatment for Facet Syndrome

Facet joints respond very well to spinal manipulation (adjustment or alignment). There are two ways to do this:


Manual manipulation – ‘unlock or click’ the joint to restore proper alignment and mobility
Mechanical manipulation – use of specialized tables to stretch or mobilize the joint.
  * Both work - patients may prefer one form of treatment over the other.
  * Severe cases – very inflamed or degenerative may require facet joint injection.


Maintenance and Management

Facet joints that have been locked and out of alignment for many months will require a few follow up treatments after the initial course of treatment. This is because the local muscles and tissues have developed a ‘muscle memory’ pattern that is very likely to repeat itself over and over. To successfully break the pattern, these maintenance visits are of utmost importance.

Tygerberg Chiropractic

5 Hofmeyr Street, Welgemoed
021 - 111 0678

If you are looking for a Chiropractor in Bellville, Durbanville, Brackenfell, Plattekloof or Century city, we are conveniently located in Welgemoed, near the Tygerberg nature reserve overlooking the Bellville Golf Course. Take the Jip de Jager exit off the N1 and we're just up the hill.  Directions

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