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5 Hofmeyr Street, Welgemoed, Bellville


Go to the entrance to the Bellville Golf Club.

Turn up the hill and turn left into Kommisaris Street.

Then first right turn into Van Jaarsveld.

Then left into the fourth road which is Hofmeyr. 


* Feel free to ask receptionist to send you a location pin

Tygerberg Chiropractic

5 Hofmeyr Street, Welgemoed
021 - 111 0678

If you are looking for a Chiropractor in Bellville, Durbanville, Brackenfell, Plattekloof or Century city, we are conveniently located in Welgemoed, near the Tygerberg nature reserve overlooking the Bellville Golf Course. Take the Jip de Jager exit off the N1 and we're just up the hill.  Directions

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